Saturday, February 14, 2015

❀❀ Bach Flower Remedies for Travel ❀❀

I LOVE Bach Flower Remedies. They are easy to use and a wonderful boost to emotional health. They are the perfect, natural remedy to take with you when traveling.  


Dr. Edward Bach (1886-1936) was a British Physician and Homeopath who believed that mental health and attitude played an important role in one's overall good health and well-being. Although trained as a conventional doctor, he became increasingly dissatisfied with the limitations of orthodox medicine and it's focus on curing symptoms, rather than the underlying cause of problems and illnesses. In 1919-1922, while working as a pathologist and bacteriologist in London, he met Samuel Hahnemann, the father of homeopathy, and was inspired to find a way to heal patients emotional health using flower essences. He discovered 38 essences, plus Rescue Remedy, all of which are designed to help cope with  difficult life situations, such as anxiety, depression, and trauma and are not designed to suppress negative thoughts but to transform them into positive ones, stimulating one's own self-healing. They are completely safe, have no side effects and there are no restrictions as to who can take them.  I love them!

Here are a few of my favorite BACH FLOWER REMEDIES for traveling:


For stress and sadness, especially if you are separating from a loved one. Also a very good remedy if you are attending a funeral, memorial service, or are in any state of bereavement.

The name says it all, this is perfect for impatience. Waiting in a long line at an airport, hassles going through security, missed a connection, flight delays, stuck in traffic. This remedy will give you the extra patience you need and lower your stress level. If you are easily irritated, get annoyed when something isn't done instantly or correctly to your standards, or often fidgety, this remedy is for you.

If you are concerned for the safety and well-being of a loved one, this is a wonderful. I tend to often worry about my children's safety, health, and happiness while traveling. This is one of my favorites.


This is a great remedy for those who are worried and have fears but are not sure why or what exactly they fear. Sometimes when I travel, I am worried about something...but don't really know what or why. Where is my passport? Did I forget something? Is this area/town safe? This is perfect to help ease that stress.


This one is a staple. A great remedy for stress and sudden changes. My homeopath recommended 10 drops in a large water bottle and sip it slowly throughout the day or evening during travel. 


Rescue Remedy: Put 4 drops on your tongue and swish around for immediate relief from an acute stressful situation. Place 4-6 drops of RR in 8oz of water and sip throughout the day for on-going stress or trauma.
Bach Flower Essences: Put two drops directly on the tongue and swish around and/or 2 drops in 8oz or more of water to sip at intervals throughout the day.

I will add to this post all the time and cover most of the essences and how they are best used.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Article and thanks for sharing good information. All of this and so much more exists. We don't need fancy laboratories to produce them. Mother Nature has brought us the goodness we need to nourish our bodies, our minds and our souls.
    Bach Flower Remedies
