Sunday, May 4, 2014


 So many times when I travel I have days when I am on my feet ALL DAY! There are the days spent outdoors hiking, swimming in the ocean, or maybe cycling to a great picnic spot, but there are also just those days when you are walking around enjoying a new town, shopping, having lunch, catching subways, or even a day at a museum when your 10,000 steps a day can easily turn into 15,000-20,000 steps a day! That recently happened to me on our trip to Hawaii in March, when we packed too many things into one day and by the time I got back into our hotel room at the end of the day, I was dead tired. Not only was I exhausted but my legs were achy and actually wobbly. I was grateful we had a kitchen in our room and didnt have to venture out to dinner after such a tiring day. To get my aches and pains under control I did two things. First, I took a very warm bath with 2 cups of Epsom Salts and soaked for about 15 mintues. I know I have mentioned several times how great an Epsom Salt Bath is. It is a wonderful detox as well as the best thing to sooth tired and achy muscles, any time, anywhere. When I got out of the bath I felt much more relaxed but my legs and feet were still a bit achy and I knew I needed some ARNICA.  ARNICA is a little miracle in a tube, tablet or bottle. Many of you may know it as a wonderful remedy for bruises, but it is also amazing for achy muscles. I found some beautiful ARNICA OIL by WELEDA at our local Co-op, and thought I'd give it a try. I poured about a teaspoon in my hands and rubbed it into my legs and feet. It smelled so nice and felt great and, honestly, within 10 minutes, my tired, achy legs were back to normal. I couldnt believe it! When I was in the bath, I thought I might have to take a couple ARNICA homeopathic remedy tablets and then lie down and rest my feet until they felt better, but after I used the ARNICA OIL, my aches were gone! I had no problem cooking dinner and then going for a nice relaxing nighttime stroll on the beach before bed. In future Im going to include WELEDA ARNICA OIL with all my travel essentials. A must have! 

Arnica cream and gel is great too, especially for bumps and bruises. It is a staple in my "natural" travel first aid kit.. I also carry Arnica homeopathic tablets in my purse, which are especially when my kids get bumps and bruises during an active day out, and they are easy to tuck inside a pocket, purse, or day-pack.

As with all homeopathic remedies, if you are traveling on a plane, ask if you can have your homeopathic items hand-checked and not sent through the x-ray, as this weakens their properties a bit. Personally, in recent years, I haven't had too much luck getting things hand-checked because of heightened airport security, so if you do have to send your beloved remedies through the x-ray more than once or twice, just make sure to increase your dose slightly to make sure you get the full strength necessary for full effectiveness.

ALSO SEE: All Natural and Homeopathic First Aid Kit for Travel

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